Community Relations

The Human Side of PR

Humanizing Companies through Puppies and Kittens

A lot of Veracity’s work tends to be boosted by Community Relations, which refers to how companies make meaningful differences within their communities. Since something must be happening before we can garner PR attention, we do not sit idly by and wait for the action to come to us. We utilize Community Relations campaigns to create the action, either by dreaming up the activity ourselves or by promoting the good work already being implemented.

We also utilize Community Relations strategies for clients that have an issue on the horizon, whether the issue affects communities or not. Spreading goodwill for schools, nonprofits, neighborhood associations and employees before a crisis occurs helps mitigate the response.

Press Loves Puppies and Kittens​

Community Relations campaigns can be a slam-dunk way of getting clients mentioned in the press because everyone knows that press loves puppies and kittens. Beyond the intrinsic benefits of helping the community, which also adds to organizational culture, such campaigns can provide excellent content and social media substance.

In addition to creating new connections and activities, Veracity can bring life to long-term community campaigns that are already in existence. Fresh insights, or our helping hand, could maximize exposure or internal involvement.

Humanizing Corporate America

We can also build extremely valuable goodwill, before or during a crisis, decreasing potential damage. This approach has been created to essentially humanize companies because we don’t believe that any company is truly the enemy, unless they are continuing immoral acts or promoting a culture of inequity.

Generally speaking, every company has a good story to tell and it’s our job to uncover those stories. Community Relations campaigns can bring a little positivity to companies facing a lot of negativity.

Clients may also find comfort in a neutral mediary that makes connections with local groups, keeps tabs on happenings, and presents involvement opportunities: whether that is speaking at a chamber meeting, making a donation, or sponsoring an event.

We then help chronicle all of these good actions, especially in social media and on your website/blog (we may elect to keep all press out of community activities depending on the issue), so that when the public or decision makers feel the urge to examine you, they will see past positive activities.

In this way, it is our aim to humanize companies beyond their crises.

More than Just Local Exposure

Of course Community Relations campaigns make for great local exposure, and in fact, campaigns can be customized per community in order to make a larger impact. However, B2B clients will be happy to know that we can leverage local campaigns to run in your trade, and perhaps vertical, press outlets and social channels.

Moreover, communities do not have to be attached to any zip code or address. We can consider communities in the business context as well, such as through trade show sponsorships or nonprofits that may not be local to your area but they match a description of what you, or your customers, serve. 

Case Study: Community Relations Generates Targeted Media Coverage

Public Relations

Internal Comms, D&I, Community Relations, Crisis, Thought Leadership

Digital PR

Link Building Optimized through PR, Web Maximized

Content Marketing

Blogging, Social Media, Email Marketing, Podcasting