Portland Business Journal: Opinion: 10 real estate market predictions from Windermere’s chief economist
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Specht Development in Portland Business Journal Woodburn
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Ritholtz Wealth Management in Portland Business Journal
Portland Business Journal Coverage
New York based Ritholz Wealth Management’s “Portland portfolio” and local representative Joey Fishman are featured in the Portland Business Journal. Read the entire article on bizjournals.com/portland

Economic Forecast Featured in Portland Business Journal
Matthew Gardner, Chief Economist of Windermere Real Estate, reflects on his economic forecast presentation at Windermere Symposium 2016 — held at the Sentinel Hotel in Portland. The article ran in the Portland Business Journal on November 3, 2016.

Windermere Stellar on KGW|NBC
Windermere Stellar owner Brian Allen shares insight on how Brexit may effect the real estate market on KGW’s Live@7.