Sometimes an outline is all you need to get going. Templates provide a guide to what should be put where. Just fill in the blanks and you are on your way!
![Streamlined Press Release Template [Free]](https://www.veracityagency.com/wp-content/uploads/Press-Release-Templates-custom_800x600.jpg)
Streamlined Press Release Template [Free]
A streamlined, straightforward press release template from Amy Rosenberg and Veracity Marketing. Available for download in Word or Google Doc format.

The Media Advisory Template
With events, press conferences—or anything you are inviting people to—it’s best to follow a Who, What, Where, When, Why format.
Educational Minicasts
Audio and/or video clips under 20 minutes that give you step-by-step PR and marketing insights.
![The 3 Keys to TV Success [Minicast]](https://www.veracityagency.com/wp-content/uploads/LP-on-Koin-Adam.jpg)
The 3 Keys to TV Success [Minicast]
Visual. Charity. Timing. Seems pretty simple. If you have these three elements in your pitch, you are on your way to a higher probability of success.
![How To Operate Like a Newsroom [Minicast]](https://www.veracityagency.com/wp-content/uploads/yolanda-sun-44470-unsplash.jpg)
How To Operate Like a Newsroom [Minicast]
Tips for taking your own photos and videos, how to get those assets to the press and when to hire a pro. Plus guidelines for writing photo captions and lots of photo opportunity ideas.
![Thought Leadership Positioning [Minicast]](https://www.veracityagency.com/wp-content/uploads/Expert-Positioning-800x600.png)
Thought Leadership Positioning [Minicast]
There are many articles about how to become a thought leader. If you’re in marketing or PR, you need to know how to position one of the many “brains” in your organization as a thought leader.
How To’s
Much of the content on our blog is educational. How To posts provide advice and guidance for a variety of topics.
Two Ways of Determining When to Write a Press Release — Plus, a List of Topic Ideas
Veracity is breaking down the mystery of when to write a press release with just two determining factors: timeliness and newsworthiness.
Use Keyword Targeted Writing to Solve Your Content Puzzle
5 Elements of Keyword Targeted Writing – not writing like a robot, targeted keywords, not annoying, structure and linking.
How to Leverage Your LinkedIn for Thought Leadership
Four critical elements to a thought leader’s LinkedIn including optimized profile, consistent high-quality content & engagement.
What To Do After You Get Press
Create a documented, repeatable process and get the story you worked so hard to land in front of more people.
How To Write How-To Blog Posts
Advice and step-by-step instructions on writing how-to blog posts including word count, headings, structure and call-to-action.
What You Need to Start a Podcast
A list of technical elements including hosting, equipment, software and a check-list for what should be included in each podcast episode.
PR Talk Podcast
Our PR Talk Podcast features education and tips for today’s marketer. Listen to interviews with media personalities for direct insight and recommendations from the source. Plus minicasts and solo tutorials from our staff.
A Body Of Work: Amy’s Final PR Talk Episode [Podcast]
After an incredible 6.5-year journey, Amy bids farewell to the show, taking a moment to reflect on the experience this passion project has brought her.
The Elements of AI Governance with Janet Johnson and Ali Maaxa [Podcast]
Janet Johnson and Ali Maaxa of Portland’s AI Governance Group unpack the future of AI and how organizations can harness these new tools.
Re-run: A Motivational Minute with Libra Forde [Podcast]
In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness Month, we have decided to take it easy by re-running Amy’s conversation with Libra Forde.
AI Strategy in Your PR Software with Cision’s Antony Cousins
Antony Cousins, executive director for AI strategy at Cision, a global PR software, discusses AI advancements to the platform and industry.
How Marketers Can Use Evolving Tech like ChatGPT, PMax and GA4 with Matt Bowen [Podcast]
Matt Bowen, associate director of enterprise client services and strategy at Logical Position, shares the scoop on two seismic shifts with Google.
Adding Affiliate Marketing into the PR Mix with Jessy Klein Fofana [Podcast]
Jessy Klein Fofana, the founder of LaRue, shares how she uses affiliate marketing in her PR strategy to deliver measurable ROI.
Stop Networking and Start Building Relationships with Dan Bruton [Podcast]
Dan Bruton, host of the PDX Executive Podcast and founder of Agate Executive Communications shares how to get the most out of your next event.
Doing the Hard Thing in a Diverse World with Dr. Felicia Blow [Podcast]
Dr. Felicia Blow, Associate Vice President for Development at Hampton University, explores how communicators do what’s necessary, even when it’s hard.
Navigating Email Etiquette in the Digital Age with Grace Aldridge Foster [Podcast]
Grace Aldridge Foster, Co-founder and Principal of Bold Type, shares how to create well-received emails and tactics for ensuring your emails are read.