Mike Rosenberg Articles

Case Study: Digital PR via Traditional Pitching

Amassing Digital PR Results Amid the Chaos of COVID-19. A case study with impressive results in links, increased traffic and domain authority.

Using Thought Leadership to Drive SEO [Podcast]

Amy goes in-depth about how to use thought leadership for search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing.

What To Do After You Get Press

Create a documented, repeatable process and get the story you worked so hard to land in front of more people.

What Every Blog Post Needs

There are critical components that all good blog posts utilize. What’s the perfect length, the ideal structure, and other must-have elements?

Work/Life Balance [Podcast]

Work/Life Balance [Podcast]

Work/life balance is a popular topic for all industries and job types. Amy and Mike talk about how they strive to strike the right ratio and provide tips for listeners on the PR Talk Podcast.

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PR Tools [Podcast]

PR Tools [Podcast]

In this episode of PR Talk, Amy shares her view that the most important PR Tool is not the mind, relationships, a press release or even her favorite, the telephone. She insists that the most important PR tool is instinct.

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When to Use a Press Release [Podcast]

When to Use a Press Release [Podcast]

When a Press Release is Better than a Press Pitch. In this episode of PR Talk Amy and Mike talk about when using a press release will provide additional value to “just” sending a pitch.

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