Advice and step-by-step instructions on writing how-to blog posts including word count, headings, structure and call-to-action.
Amy Rosenberg Articles
Why PR and Marketing Should Always Collaborate
Moving All Disciplines Under the Digital Strategy, PR is More Than Just Media Relations, All Marketing is PR
Skeptical About Thought Leadership?
Business leaders should also be thought leaders as it adds a human element, provides a platform to share knowledge and ideas, and more.
Roger Valdez: Forbes Columnist [Podcast]
Seattle housing advocate and Forbes writer, Roger Valdez, explains the difference between advocacy & public relations
Emily Parkhurst: Editor in Chief Puget Sound Business Journal [Podcast]
In Episode 24, Emily gives us a lot of information about getting into the publication, how to pitch her and her reporters and what makes her open a PR pitch.
Su Ring & Joseph Suttner: New Day NW Producers [Podcast]
PR Talk goes on a Seattle “press jag” starting with a double interview with Su Ring and Joseph Suttner, producers of New Day Northwest for King5, Seattle’s NBC affiliate.
Gregory Day: Host of Weekly Portland Podcast and KPTV’s “The Dish” [Podcast]
Gregory Day started the Weekly Portland Podcast about two years ago for reasons that have morphed over time, realizing podcasting was the best format to truly capture the interviewee’s essence and portraying the interesting people of Portland in a non-comedic way that remained light-hearted and professional.
B2B PR with Rick Polito, Nutrition Business Journal Chief Editor [Podcast]
With 21 years in the newspaper industry before switching over to trade journalism, there couldn’t be a better person to explain the differences between consumer and B2B PR than Rick Polito, Editor in Chief of the Nutrition Business Journal.
Want Our Best Kept Secret for Tangible PR Results?
Do good and you will be rewarded. Community work is tied into what we do at Veracity. It’s a specialty and our clients are committed to their communities.
Lizzy Acker: OregonLive Trending Team on Digital First Writing [Podcast]
Make no mistake. Lizzy Acker is a journalist. But in a nontraditional role for The Oregonian, Lizzy’s role on the Trending Team is to rack up page-views on the newspaper’s website, OregonLive.
Episode 202: The Hunger Project — Jen Carter
Oregon is the only state in the nation that keeps getting hungrier. Metro HomeShare’s Jen Carter talks about hunger in our city and state.
Amy’s Book Reviews—On Writing, Racism & Working Freedom
Reviews of “Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult, Tim Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek” and Stephen King’s “On Writing.”