Amy Rosenberg Articles

AI & PR: Martin Waxman, Spin Sucks [Podcast]

Martin Waxman, CMO of Spin Sucks, Discusses the Human/AI agent relationship and why PR should care on the #PRTalk Podcast.

PR Roles and Mindset [Podcast]

PR Talk Podcast about the different types of roles played in the PR game. Entire jobs could encompass just one of the roles, but more often than not PR people dabble within all of these roles.

Gini Dietrich, Spin Sucks [Podcast]

PR Talk Podcast discusses very big topics such as: what PR actually is, how PR is different from marketing, and why PR matters. But most importantly we talked about how worried Gini is for the PR industry.

CommCon Keynote: Suzanne Stevens [Podcast]

Suzanne Stevens, the editor of the Portland Business Journal, is going to be keynoting PRSA Oregon’s CommCon2019 event coming up on May 3rd, we thought this would be a perfect time to re-air this interview we did with her a while back.

“Online” and “Social PR”: A Myth

“Online” and “Social PR”: A Myth

I recently found myself buying into the hype of terms like “online PR” and “social PR,” building a list of those in charge of news organizations' websites or social media channels. What a novel idea! If all I wanted was to land a story on the website or Facebook page...

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Control the Conversation

Control the Conversation

Tips for media interviewing, presenting and just talking with a human being. It was an honor to present at the Northwest Credit Union Association’s Marketers Conference last week, but I’m sure I won’t be the first to say the star of the show was Anthony Huey of...

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Welcome to Veracity

Welcome to Veracity

One True Sentence. My client signed off with “good luck writing that” after he had detailed a complicated jazz sequence that I needed to translate into plain English for a real estate marketing campaign of all things! As I mustered up the strength to put pen to paper...

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Woman, Hear Me ROAR!!!

Woman, Hear Me ROAR!!!

In the wake of Equal Pay Day I realized that my fanatic refusal to accept any additional professional recognition or help for simply being a woman might not be a feminist move at all. In fact, it might be anti-feminist. I identify with the women’s movement to the...

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The Necessary Evil in PR: Math!

The Necessary Evil in PR: Math!

As I pulled out my calculator for the third time this morning, I had a revelation. Math is essential to my career! A major reason the PR field originally appealed to me was because it didn’t require any math. Or so I presumed. One of the best pitching tips I ever...

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Up With the Pope

Up With the Pope

Up With the Pope Rather than saying I was up with the chickens this morning at Rosenberg Marketing, I was up with the Pope, figuratively speaking. The Pope had an overwhelming presence during today’s live morning show shoot with Joe V. from KPTV’s Good Day Oregon. The...

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There is one problem: Mike is not a blogger.

There is one problem: Mike is not a blogger.

This is extremely embarrassing for a marketer to admit. It has it been over a year since my last blog post. Could I have purposely avoided blogging because having Donald Draper at the top of my blog page couldn’t hurt ascetically? Possibly. However, I have a hunch...

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