PR Talk podcast with Libra Forde on New Year’s resolutions, motivation during WFH, thoughts on job-losses and more!!!
Amy Rosenberg Articles
Leadership with Ken Jacobs [Podcast]
PR Talk podcast with leadership coach Ken Jacobs on how to become a leader.
COVID-19 PR Update with Marvin Stockwell [Podcast]
COVID-19 PR Round Two: Marvin Stockwell’s PR Update and Wisdom for Any Situation on the PR Talk Podcast with Host Amy Rosenberg.
Renegade Client-Centric Marketing
In following the changing times, we have two new marketing programs to educate and empower our clients.
Ed Cals: Turning Uncertain PR Coverage into a Sure Thing
With the new year right around the corner, there couldn’t be a better time to address editorial calendars.
Ed Cals Turn Uncertain PR into Sure Thing [Podcast]
Amy Rosenberg, President, Veracity. How to get, organize and use editorial calendars for PR results.
How to Battle Writer’s Block, Tips from Amy
Examining the top 3 mistakes writers make when they can’t think of what to write about.
Lines Between Art and Entrepreneurialism Blur at the Portland Creative Conference
Entrepreneurs could learn from the artistic community’s reliance on a dirty two letter word.
Break Through Ego-Centrists & Boost Marketing
Location is a huge composer of our identity. Tips on how to maximize social presence and include your community.
PR is just about connections, right?
We get many ghost written articles placed for our clients, but like with most hard earned media, there is a story behind the recent article we placed in the Portland Business Journal (PBJ). The idea for this commentary was sparked by listening to the worries of our...
How Building a Business is Like Running a Marathon
The chronicles of a runner's pursuit in business can be interesting to examine. There is the sprinter who catapults to the finish line just seconds after the shotgun blasts. The 800 meter runner must strike a delicate balance between endurance and speed. And finally...
Making Your Own Luck
If you read the blog post about how we decided to change the company name to Veracity, you might have noticed that I’m a bit of a Hemingway freak. In the post I mentioned that I would explore how themes of luck and discipline, which are consistently used in his...