My mind is currently being blown by Yuval Noah Harari’s “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.”

Thoughts, musings and outtakes from Amy Rosenberg, author of A Modern Guide to Public Relations, host of the PR Talk Podcast and Founder of Veracity.
My mind is currently being blown by Yuval Noah Harari’s “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.”
I recently started bullet journaling in an attempt to appease my ADHD brain and found that it is customizable, removes clutter and brings calm.
I used to be American. I bragged that I’d never taken a sick day. I qualified this by accounting the time I’d worked through the worst stomach bug I’d ever had: the norovirus.
I close the month out by joining Glennon’s rally cry as she says “screw you, January!” But as a PR person, I offer a flippant middle finger to January’s evil PR firm that clearly doesn’t put caretaking over profits.
Three Professional Volunteer Ideas That Will Add Skills And Increase Connections. I am talking about volunteer work that will not only keep your skills sharp but also possibly bring new skills, such as through these three avenues listed.
Amy and Mike talk about perfectionism, being insecure and the rebel mentality in this episode of PR Talk.
Amy Rosenberg shares about her upcoming book and how she sat down to create a coaching program that accidentally turned into a book.
Reviews of “Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult, Tim Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek” and Stephen King’s “On Writing.”
Celebrating Katherine Switzer’s 50th anniversary as 1st woman to run Boston Marathon and how exercise with a partner has shaped my life and business.
Veracity can be the difference between delivering justice for all or creating hazy knowledge leading to ignorance.
In following the changing times, we have two new marketing programs to educate and empower our clients.
Entrepreneurs could learn from the artistic community’s reliance on a dirty two letter word.