Client Awards & Recognition
Our clients do some amazing things. Sometimes they deserve recognition for the work they do in the community, for their employees or for outstanding marketing campaigns. The following are a few examples of the awards we’ve helped secure for them (they do the hard part; we just make sure they get the credit).

Veracity Awards & Recognition
Veracity Marketing has been recognized as a leader in the PR, Digital Marketing and B2B industries by peers and awards organizations.
We are proud to be involved, as a company and individuals, with select organizations/associations in the greater Portland metro area including:
Rotary Club of Portland – established in 1910, the Rotary Club of Portland is one of the largest Rotary Clubs in the world. It is an organization of local business and professional leaders dedicated to humanitarian service in everyday life, high ethical standards in business and professions, and promoting understanding and goodwill through community programs. With 33,000 clubs and 1.2 million members throughout the world, Rotary has an extensive network of volunteers working locally, regionally, and internationally under the motto “Service Above Self.”
Mike joined the Rotary in 2015 as a member of their inaugural U40 program. He currently serves as the Chair if the Oregon Ethics in Business Awards, an annual recognition of organizations and individuals who have demonstrated ethical business practice in its broadest interpretation: in the workplace, the marketplace, the environment, and the community.
SEMpdx – Search Engine Marketing Professionals of Portland was created to provide a resource for both local Search Engine Marketing (SEO, Pay-Per-Click advertising and Social Media Marketing) professionals and area businesses, with a main emphasis of putting “Portland on the Map in Search and Search on the Map in Portland.”
The nonprofit business association hosts monthly educational events and Engage annually, Portland’s premiere digital marketing conference.
Mike served on the Board of Directors from 2008 to 2016, including serving as President for two years. He is currently on the Advisory Board.
Portland Business Alliance – Greater Portland’s Chamber of Commerce and the voice of business in the region. We have been involved with the Alliance for many years as an active member via SEMpdx and a recent member through Veracity. The Alliance’s mission is to promote and foster an environment in the Portland region that attracts, supports and retains private-sector jobs, spurs economic vitality and enables quality educational opportunities for the region’s residents.
PRSA – Public Relations Society of American, Portland Metro Chapter. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is the nation’s largest community of public relations and communications professionals. They provide training, set standards of excellence and uphold principles of ethics for the global public relations profession. As a leading voice in the PR industry, they also advocate for greater understanding and adoption of public relations services.
The Portland Metro Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America is one of 110 PRSA chapters located across the country. Established in 1959/1960, the chapter serves more than 200 members from Oregon and Southwest Washington with the mission of offering public relations professionals a forum for idea sharing, professional development and networking.
Amy was pleased to serve on the Board of Directors in 2011.