It has been a busy and proactive month. This is exciting considering we are only on day 11!

It all began with a new look. My first order of business upon returning from maternity leave was to change the look of the company. We had been stuck with an old logo that Mike designed for us years ago. It didn’t motivate me, it was created for a different audience and it was just plain old boring! Sorry Mike. However, I can thank him for directing me to for a new one. As always, “Mike’s right.” I was lucky enough to find an amazing designer, Christy Burke, who turned it out for me in just one weekend!

And now, on to the website. A daunting task. Scott Hendison (SEO Automatic & Search Commander, Inc.) has been patient enough to walk me through the complicated process of maneuvering through Word Press…not the most user-friendly. We are still in the beginning stages with the site, so don’t judge it yet please! Whenever I make any minor copy change, the spacing of the whole site is changed, so it might look odd from time to time until I can figure out how to properly add and change items.

I am also battling post event blues. This always happens when I publicize events. I give it my all, right up until the event is over. And once I can breathe again, I don’t know what to do with myself. It is quite like running a marathon. But all of the extra hard work pays off. For this event, SearchFest (a local internet marketing event), I managed to secure multiple placements on all four local networks, interviews on two news radio stations and strong print/online presence as well. I placed one last minute phone call that resulted in the Oregonian re-tweeting a key tweet of my board’s about the event. The Oregonian has countless Twitter followers.

Speaking of Twitter, look for another blog post from me about the third way to follow up with a reporter…Twitter (I’m sorry to all my reporter friends, please don’t “block” us PR vultures). And look for another post about thinking of social media as an entirely separate press medium altogether…there are no longer just four (TV, radio, print, traditional online) mediums.

I still need to get those old-fashioned business cards printed though.

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Amy Rosenberg
Founder and President at Veracity
Writer. Podcaster. Press Friend. Hand Holder.